Buddy Secor


Resources and Events for Families

When you ignite a child's curiosity about history, it's an extraordinary moment! Many parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles cherish the memory of their first battlefield visit, museum trip, or encounter with a costumed presenter. These moments ignited their passion for American history. Our Generations program aims to do just that for the next wave of history buffs. 

Picture this: families spanning different ages gathering at historic sites, immersing themselves in the past, unraveling tales of people and events that shaped our nation's story. And guess what? We're not just learning history; we're weaving an enduring legacy for the future—all while having a blast!

Since 2015, American Battlefield Trust's Generations Events have inspired hundreds of children at historic sites and preserved battlefield land for unforgettable learning experiences. From iconic Civil War battlefields like Gettysburg, Antietam, and Fredericksburg to turning-point Revolutionary War sites like Camden, George Washington's Ferry Farm, and Valley Forge, kids have been charging into history and immersing themselves in inspiring stories and engaging learning moments.